Look At It This Way (#LAITW)

I’m With Him…

by on Aug.03, 2021, under Uncategorized

Anymore, I’m reluctant to get into political discussions with friends and family. It just doesn’t seem worth it. I’ve yet to see anyone’s mind changed through such discussions. But that’s very micro. How can I do any good in a macro way, a bigger way?

Dennis Prager puts it this way, “There are three types of people in a battle: fighters, those who help the fighters, and the worthless.”

I’ve chosen to help the fighters; well, one fighter. I’ve chosen to help Dennis Prager. If you want to know what I think, then listen to or read Dennis Prager. We’re in agreement 99% of the time. And he’s got a huge amount of material out there. Knock your socks off!

PragerU.com – 5-Minute Videos and Fireside Chats on hundreds of topics. Also now with materials for kids. ALL FREE. Don’t miss PragerU Resources for Educators and Parents (PREP), $25/year.

Pragertopia.com – Subscription service to all his radio show podcasts (commercial-free), Happiness Hours, Male/Female Hours, Ultimate Issues Hours, all his Torah lectures, Courses, Talks, etc.

DennisPrager.com – his daily radio show. You can listen here, too (with commercials).

PragerStore.com – buy his books, lectures, courses, etc. I can think offhand of a few titles: Think a Second Time, Happiness is a Serious Problem, Still the Best Hope, and The Rational Bible.

So, if you want to know what I think about a given topic, start by looking up that topic on PragerU. You’ll find out exactly what I think put in a much better way than I ever could.

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