Look At It This Way (#LAITW)

Do No Harm

by on Dec.15, 2021, under Uncategorized

Remember the Hippocratic admonishment, “do no harm”? The medical establishment, both private and public, turned this absolutely upside down. Early on in this pandemic, instead of focusing on safe therapeutics (hydroxychloroquine [HCQ], etc.), our medical and governmental establishments pushed masks (off and on), lockdowns, and vaccines. All the while there were therapeutics just waiting in the wings, taken by millions over decades without doing harm; HCQ, for example, as a prophylactic for malaria. That’s part of why Africa has done so well with regard to COVID (except one country, S. Africa); there were already so many people taking HCQ preventatively.

Instead, these powerful (and corrupt) organizations jumped on answers with downsides any rational person could have predicted. Masks dehumanize. Isolation drives people batty. Children suffer immeasurably from no school and no friends. The economy was trashed. All unnecessary. The curve could have been flattened by prophylactic use of therapeutics and for treatment (best when early on).

And to add insult to injury, Big Pharma has made billions on the vaccines. You may think you got the shots for free. But no, the government put billions of taxpayer dollars into their development and even excused Big Pharma from any negative repercussions. Speaking of… Did you know that Pfizer’s own vaccine study showed that out of 22,000 “guinea pig” humans, 14 died of adverse reactions to the shot while 1 COVID death was prevented. That’s NOT “do no harm.”

All along, the cures that have been foisted upon us were far worse than the disease.

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